Weekend Away at Lee Abbey

Weekend Away

Title: Renew, Refresh, Resourse

Intent: To strengthen our relationships with each other, to deepen our relationship with God, and to learn how to be salt and light more effectively in our communities and to have fun!

The Date is the 6th-8th Oct.

There is a Cost of  £136-£154 for Adults.  There are reductions for children with under 4’s being free.

All the Meals are Included, as are activities for children, as well as worship and teaching for all,

Most important this is a time to get away and relax in the company of others from the West Dartmoor Mission Community.

Expressions of interest by email to gary.shirley2@btinternet.com by the 5th of February so that we can make an provisional booking.

You can check out Lee Abbey and its facilities at www.leeabbey.org.uk

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