A message from Holy Cross:
Some weeks ago, I was privileged to co-officiate at a very special service of the planting of a tree at the Burrator Reservoir arboretum to commemorate Anne Frank and all those children throughout the world who have died as a result of war and persecution.
I have also been asked to co-officiate at a special service that is to take place at Plaster Down to dedicate a new memorial to the crew of the RAF Liberator that crashed at Plaster Down in 1942, seven of whom were killed and one who survived. This will be held on Saturday 8th April at 11am.
Both these events are linked by tragedy and death, albeit on very different scales. Tragedy and death are woven into the reality of our human experience. We suffer sadness, sorrow and loss when we encounter them either directly or indirectly. We may feel helpless and struggle to find anything good that can come from these kinds of experiences.
From the perspective of Christian faith, however, tragedy, suffering and death do not have the final say. Quite the contrary. On publication of this message we will find ourselves on the threshold of Holy Week which will climax with the celebration of the Easter Triduum of the passion, death and resurrection of the Lord which is the culmination of the entire liturgical year.
The Cross led to the resurrection. Love, which was crucified on the Cross, was stronger than death and triumphed over it. Christ is risen, and that has changed everything. The short life of Anne Frank, who was a young, innocent victim of hatred by an evil and ruthless regime, has inspired many. The memory of the aircrew of the RAF Liberator lives on having given their lives in service of freedom and the conquest of tyranny. Love, truth, goodness and beauty never perish but abide in the eternal now because they are of God.
Wishing all readers a grace-filled Holy Week.
Fr Louis
Times of Easter Services at Holy Cross
Thursday 13th April Holy Thursday 7pm Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper
Friday 14th April Good Friday 11am Youth led Stations of the Cross
3pm The Celebration of the Lord’s Passion
Saturday 15th April Holy Saturday 10am Office of Readings & Morning Prayer
8.30pm The Easter Vigil
Sunday 16th April Easter Sunday Masses at 9am & 10.30am