Upcoming Events

Thika Visitors

We host our friends from the Diocese of Thika, Kenya

Cream Tea

St Paul's Church Hall St Paul's Church Hall, Yelverton, Devon, United Kingdom

Do join us for a superb cream tea

Men’s Breakfast

The Burrator Inn Princetown Road, Dousland,, Yelverton, Devon, United Kingdom

Do join us for breakfast. To book contact Nick by no later than the Thursday in which the breakfast takes […]


Yelverton Cream Tea

St Paul's Church, Yelverton Yelverton, Devon, United Kingdom

Please come and join us for a SPECIAL cream tea

DHCT’s ‘Ride and Stride’ 2016

St Paul's Church, Yelverton Yelverton, Devon, United Kingdom

DHCT’s ‘Ride and Stride’ on 10th September.  Based on last year, there could be up to ten of us taking […]

Choir Practice

St Paul's Church, Yelverton Yelverton, Devon, United Kingdom

Do join us if you like singing

[email protected]

St Paul's Church Hall St Paul's Church Hall, Yelverton, Devon, United Kingdom

Nosh@ 9.30 St Paul's Church Hall. A Service for everyone! Bacon & Sausage Butties with tea & coffee

Animal Service

St Mary's Sampford Spiney

Animal Service - a warm welcome for all animals with well-behaved owners