Upcoming Events

Holy Week Service

St Leonard's Church, Sheepstor Sheepstor, Devon, United Kingdom

A Communion Service in Holy Week

Holy Week Service

St Mary's Sampford Spiney

A Communion Service in Holy Week

Holy Week Service

St Mary the Virgin Walkhampton Walkhampton, Yelverton, Devon, United Kingdom

A Communion Service in Holy Week

Maundy Thursday Supper

St John the Baptist Horrabridge Walkhampton Road, Horrabridge, Devon, United Kingdom

A Fellowship Meal. All are welcome but tickets must be bought from Carol Shirley (854239) or Caroline Hempinstall (852385)

Maundy Thursday Service

St Peter's Church, Meavy Meavy, Yelverton, Devon, United Kingdom

A Maundy Thursday Communion Service

Good Friday Moorland Walk

Princetown Church Tor Royal Lane, Princetown, Devon, United Kingdom

A 6 mile walk from Princetown to Sheepstor across open moorland. This walk is only suitable for those who are […]

Horrabridge Good Friday Service

St John the Baptist Horrabridge Walkhampton Road, Horrabridge, Devon, United Kingdom

A Family Service for Good Friday

Walkhampton Good Friday Communion

St Mary the Virgin Walkhampton Walkhampton, Yelverton, Devon, United Kingdom

A Solemn Communion Service for Good Friday