Our time for preparation for the birth of our Saviour Jesus Christ fast
approaches. This year there are several ways through which we can support
each other.
A book has been chosen by the Ministry Team which is called ‘Music Of
Eternity: Meditations For Advent’ With Evelyn Underhill by Robyn Wrigley-
Carr. It is The Archbishop of York’s Advent Book for 2021.
There are different ways to come together and talk through some of the
meditations in this book and you are happily invited to join any of the groups.
They will start the week beginning the 22nd of November. If you would like to
meet virtually then there will be opportunity on Wednesday evenings at 7:30
for about an hour on Zoom. Martin and Anne jointly will lead this group.
If you would prefer to meet face to face then Andrew will be leading a group
on Wednesday at 12:00.
If you would prefer to come together only once during the time of Advent to
talk through the meditations and share prayer then a group will meet on 18th
December at 10:30 at tbc. And again at 6:00 pm.
Please contact Andrew (854804) or Anne (859421) or by email to let us know
which you would prefer or to learn more.