It was an excellent visit in many respects. We overcame the visa issue and all our guests, bar one, made it to the UK. It proved to be a fascinating week showing our guests around Plymouth and Devon. They experienced some great things and many of them had not left Kenya before, flown in an aircraft, or experienced a different culture. The weather was kind and the fellowship meant we deepened relationships and bonds between our two Dioceses.
There was learning on both sides; there were questions that need to be explored further; and there was new insights that raised as many questions as were answered. And I guess that is the benefit of such exchanges. They expand our thinking and challenge us. We are one in Christ Jesus – for sure – but we all bring our own cultural baggage and assumptions that need to be unpicked and thought about. Some of this was not easy. I am sure our Kenyan friends felt the same about some issues as well. But we have opened up a dialogue and that must be a step forward for all of us.