Our church is Grade 1 listed and a place of worship was first started on the site in 1250. This has changed from a private chapel to a church for all, but also from Roman Catholic to Church of England. With additions over the centuries it can now hold 100 seated and 20 on chairs. Three years ago the bells were restored and there is an active team of ringers. Being an ancient listed building, maintenance work is ongoing, with renewal of the lighting and heating to be undertaken in the near future. Next on the list is pointing repairs to the tower and faculties are being sought for these works. The parish is extremely grateful for the support of the Dean and Canons of Windsor, the Garfield Weston Foundation, the Devon Historic Churches Trust and the Allchurches Trust in helping raise the funds for this work. There are two adjoining graveyards, the old one not mown until late in the season to maintain a diverse collection of wild plants.
The church is open at all times and attracts visitors, usually walkers, in the summer months.
The small community of Sampford Spiney has a record of being very generous towards and hugely supportive of its church.